Important Roles (Glorious Network)
Glorious Network solves today's hardest blockchain problems.
This is one of the main reasons that blockchain technology cannot be used on a mass-adoption scale yet. Low throughput and its environmental impact are the biggest obstacles that blockchain has to overcome in order to scale.
2. Usability
Rapid innovation is taking place in the blockchain sector. However, this innovation is taking place in the backend of blockchains and not in the ease of use for the client when using the front end. Complex technology needs to be easy to use for the ordinary individual, which blockchain is not yet.
3. Interoperability
This refers to the communication between chains. Currently, there are no solutions available for true cross-chain communication without the need for a 3rd party, like a centralised exchange.
4. Security
Although blockchain is regarded as more secure because of its decentralised nature. However, some blockchains can fall victim to either a 51% attack, endpoint vulnerabilities, vendor exploits, or faulty source code. This can be accomplished on both a proof of stake chain and a proof of work chain.
We combine the use of AI based PoS consensus, a scalable and secure parallel protocol for distributed ledger via sharding, side chains, and off-chain processing. These techniques allow for acceleration of block broadcasting in blockchain networks and scaling out through asynchronous consensus zones.
We are developing an easy to use ecosystem. This will include a wallet and simplified payment gateways, giving you ease of use and access to our sophisticated solution. A hassle-free user experience, all while maintaining your privacy.
We address blockchain interoperability by improving the efficiency of cross-chain transactional logic via trusted relays, hash-locking , notary schemes, Blockchain Migrators and bridges, as well as side chains.
Security is guaranteed in our ecosystem thanks to secure multi-party computation, committee reconfiguration, distributed random generation, attribute-based encryption and zero-knowledge proof that we have implemented into our solution which allows you to transact securely and privately in our ecosystem.
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